
Le Conseil de l'UE s'apprête à balayer le vote du Parlement sans discussion

Le Conseil des ministres de l'UE est en train de prouver que la notion de démocratie est étrangère à l'Union européenne. La présidence irlandaise est parvenue à obtenir une majorité qualifiée pour une contre-proposition à la directive sur les brevets logiciel, avec seulement quelques pays - dont la Belgique et l'Allemagne - faisant preuve de résistance. Le nouveau texte propose de jeter tous les amendements du Parlement européen qui imposaient des limites à la brevetabilité. Au lieu de cela, il rétablit dans sa totalité le langage sibyllin de la proposition originale de la Commission, en y ajoutant la brevetabilité directe de programmes d'ordinateur, de structures de données et de description de processus comme cerise sur le gâteau. Les membres du Parlement européen de tous les groupes de l'échiquier politique condamnent cette irrévérence flagrante pour la démocratie en Europe.

EU Council Plans to Scrap Parliamentary Vote without Discussion

The EU Council of Ministers is demonstrating that the concept of democracy is alien to the EU. The Irish Presidency managed to secure a qualified majority for a counter-proposal to the software patents directive, with only a few countries - including Belgium and Germany - showing resistance. The new text proposes to discard all the amendments from the European which would limite patentability. Instead the lax language of the original Commission proposal is to be reinstated in its entirety, with direct patentability of computer programs, data structures and process descriptions added as icing on the cake. Members of the European Parliament from all groups across the political spectrum are condemning this blatant disrespect for democracy in Europe.

The Cheap Matrix Package


        There already exist quite a few matrix packages over the internet, like Blitz++ and the Matrix Template Library, to mention only 2. So, what? Yet another matrix package? Why should I bother...


        Because there was a need for handling huge matrices, and all the other packages I found are optimized for speed, not memory.
        Because there was a need for functions like Singular Value Decomposition, that are implemented in LAPACK.
        Because I needed some very simple code, just to fit my needs. By simple, I mean not a code you have to read pages of documentation before using it (Really! Go and check the examples now if you didn't do it first thing!). No template, to begin with, Matrix is ready to use. And also a syntax I think is 'natural': no stencil, no Range2D or whatever class for matrix extraction, no Array<arg, arg, arg...> unterminable lists of adjustable features, etc... Most of those user-specified parameters aren't used in practice anyway, so I prefered to implement the ones that really are in the most straightforward way I found.
        And because no other package was satisfying enough for what I need. Not that I claim this one is perfect, its usefulness depends on what you want to do with it. But at least it combines easy to use matrix manipulation, transparent swaping using mmap and reference counting for low memory usage, and the possibility to use the power of LAPACK in the background.

What you'll find:

What you won't find:

What could be done to improve this package (feel free to contribute!):


You can download the source package here (http may be faster).
CheapMatrix-0.2.tar.gz       (ftp link)       192662 bytes.
CheapMatrix-0.2.tar.bz2       (ftp link)       162021 bytes.
And for your convenience I've also prepared a dynamic library version of LAPACK:
dynlapack-0.1.tar.gz       (ftp link)       1958551 bytes.
dynlapack-0.1.tar.bz2       (ftp link)       1325475 bytes.


This is the documentation released with the 0.2 version. It is also provided in the source packages.

You can also ask questions on the mailing lists:
- Concerning the development or the internals of the CheapMatrix package. (click here)
- Concerning the usage of the matrices. (click here).

The cvs server isn't set up yet

CheapMatrix home page, 2000-06-18
Nicolas Brodu